Robert Rice
Bob Rice commenced client-consulting work with Booz Allen & Hamilton in their manufacturing and distribution practice. Most of his assignments extended the firm’s “Total Cost of Distribution” concept to include manufacturing and supply decisions before the term “Supply Chain Management” was coined. Since 1984 Mr. Rice, a founder and president of CGR, has conducted consulting assignments primarily involved with supply chain management, manufacturing, and information systems issues for companies with sales from $50 million to $20 billion.
Mr. Rice has conducted and implemented more than fifty facility network location and site selection studies, for industrial plants, warehouses, branch depots and storerooms. The modeling methodologies used included mostly optimization (SITELINK), but heuristics (OPTISITE) and simulation (spreadsheets) were also used for early career projects or those with limited complexity. The operating and supply cost saving in freight, facilities operations costs, inventory levels were up to 25%.
He received a BS in chemical engineering from Northwestern, a MS degree from Northwestern University and a MBA at the Stanford Business School. Mr. Rice also did post graduate work in economics and marketing at the Stanford Business School (Executive program). He has been a past member of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) and The Institute of Management Science (TIMS) commencing in 1968.